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Can you be more specific? If anything, a lot of the ideas in Smalltalk ended up being abandoned:

- Image based distributions

- Dynamic typing

- Extreme object orientedness (boolean ifTrue: foo ifFalse: bar)

- Meta object protocol

Lisp had image-based distributions and dynamic typing before Smalltalk. Those and extreme oop-ness (Generic Functions, ...) plus MOP are still in Lisp (-> CLOS).


How has dynamic typing been abandoned? What is Javascript? what is Python? What is Ruby?

The meta object protocol is alive and well in Python, Ruby, and to a lesser extent lua with metatables.

I don't see the point in exaggeration.

> How has dynamic typing been abandoned? What is Javascript? what is Python? What is Ruby?

Languages that are in the process of tacking on static typing features in a bid to stay relevant.

Most serious Javascript programmers are now moving to Typescript, Python has PEP-484, etc.

Nobody would consider starting a large project with Python or Ruby these days.

Javascript will be the last mainstream dynamically typed language, and while it's going to be around for a while, even it is slowly being replaced by statically typed versions of itself (Typescript, Dart).

The trend is crystal clear for anyone who's been paying attention to the field for the past decade. There's simply no longer any good reason to use a dynamically typed language.

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