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Ask HN: Info/Affiliate site and social: Will pre-built platforms hurt me?
1 point by _jdams on Feb 9, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
If I was looking to create an informational website and potentially implement some affiliate links, and wanted to also build a community around it, would using a bunch of pre-built services do the job to get me off the ground quickly?

I was thinking either Squarespace or Wordpress for the initial setup, so I can start adding posts for content. Then implement a Discourse forum or Slack chat and embed either of the option into the page.

I'm thinking custom development would stall the idea rather than help me get it running quickly. Have any of you done this type of thing before with pre-built products/platforms such as the ones listed above?

I would be cautious about using WordPress. It has a history of being very insecure. Right now there's even a mass attack happening.[0]

From your description all you really need right now is a static site. Look into something like Jekyll. It requires some HTML and CSS knowledge but nothing an evening going through codecadmey wouldn't fix (they also have a lesson on Jekyll). Plus you can initially launch and host for free on GitHub or GitLab then once you have your server setup with Discourse move it over as well. http://jekyll.tips has some good tutorials and information along with templates.


WordPress is used for tons of affiliate sites :) you're on the right path.

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