Hmmm... so, AOL paid $850 M for 3.5 million visits a month. That means that they're paying about $250 a user.
At the same valuation per user, that values Facebook at a paltry $ 7 billion.
Another thought... if users are worth $250 a piece, maybe my blog that has 100 readers a month might actually be worth $25,000! Anyone wanna buy it? :)
Yahoo purchased GeoCities for US$1100 per user. Microsoft purchased a stake of Facebook for US$300 per user. So, AOL buying Bebo for US$250 per user is a relative bargain.
Regarding your blog, its only worth US$25000 if you can sell it. Otherwise it is worth nothing.
On a more serious note, the average facebook user spends more time on facebook (and views more pages, ads, etc) than the average reader spends on your blog.
At the same valuation per user, that values Facebook at a paltry $ 7 billion.
Another thought... if users are worth $250 a piece, maybe my blog that has 100 readers a month might actually be worth $25,000! Anyone wanna buy it? :)