Three men in a platzkart train are telling political jokes on their way to Moscow. The fourth is coming in and he hisses "Oh my, do not tell those, you'll be taken". "Oh, come on, man, says one of the three". The alerting guy than goes to the stewardess and asks for four cups of tea delivered to that platzkart seats in exactly 4 minutes. Four minutes later he continues to hiss on his travel companions "Guys, if you won't stop to tell political jokes, they will take you!", getting the same "Come on, man" in response. "All right he says, look here". He stands up near the small lamp in the corner and says "Comrade mayor, four teas to platzkart seats 14, 15, 16 and 17, please". The stewardess brings the tea. Everyone shuts up, and soon goes asleep. In the morning, our hero discovers that his three travel companions' seats are empty. He asks stewardess whether they took off in Tver? "No", the stewardess says, "they were taken". "And why they did not took me too?". "Because comrade mayor liked your joke about the tea very much".
Group of CIA agents are thinking about how to invent a joke for Russian communists. With great struggle they invented a joke about butter. Now, to test their joke, they secretly landed near a city in Siberia and told their joke to a men. Men does not laugh. CIA asking — «Are you understanding the joke? — Yeah, I understand the joke, but what is „butter“?».
Moscow was supplied much often and better than rest of the towns around Moscow, and so forth. It was common practice to ride to Moscow to buy something that is not available locally. Moscow was number 1 in supply line, Moscow region and capital cities of other republics was number 2, European cities are number 3, rest was number 4 or (in practice) even lower, so it was expected that someone in Siberia, far far away from Moscow, never saw a good quality product for his whole life. Butter was example of high quality product, while margarine was low quality substitute which was widely available.
Dear, I am married to a girl from Omsk, and my son was born there. I know very well, that muscovites never had a glimpse of riches taiga and rivers provides to those living in Siberia. Good quality products were always abundant as the Sun there. You just had to know the right people.