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Creating a minimalist workspace (unclutterer.com)
12 points by nreece on March 13, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

"I do have a phone (elsewhere in my house, so it doesn’t disturb me) and a cell phone (also elsewhere), but I don’t have a PDA, an iPod, a printer (though my wife has ordered one for her needs), a scanner, a fax machine, or anything like that. I don’t print anything and I don’t use fax (an outdated technology)."

Sorry, but most of my clients require me to fax them documents. I need to print contracts and forms, and I like to take photos on my Hasselblad so I need a scanner. I own an iPhone and an iPod, I need them on my desk because I don't like to have my music and information split between my office and home computers. My iPhone is also my only means of contact, I don't have a land line and I travel a lot.

Somehow I found this article not applicable to anyone who has more than a computer and a mouse.

This is the minimalist extreme, but it's definitely better than the opposite end of the spectrum--total chaos.

My workspace certainly doesn't look like that, but I try to clean up and organize often.

Add a pile of plain white paper to that desk and you're nearing perfection...

It all falls down when you attempt to achieve any kind of desktop peace - It would seem designers / marketers look towards Times Square for inspiration, rather than the gentle Zen gardern these minimalist workspaces aspire to.

Most of the time I just want to scream "SHHHHSSSHHH" (quietly, of course) ...

No books? There's a bunch I reach for all the time; three language books, an OS book, and a computer architecture book.

I noticed the same thing. Let's hope his setup is like mine and the bookcase is an arm's length behind him.

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