I'm not sure if English is your first language, but giardini's first comment in response to yours does not seem to be in any way "trolling" or "attacking" you. None of his later responses seem to, either. You may want to check yourself, because there was no good reason to accuse him of trolling you. You are the one out of line. You started this with your overly-confrontational attitude.
> Anyways, I would appreciate if you removed the downvotes -- there is no good reason you have downvoted my responses to you.
As for this, obviously somebody thought your responses were inappropriate. I agree with them, and would have done the same if I had the necessary reputation.
Quoting the HN Guidelines:
> Please resist commenting about being downvoted. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading.
I have every right to feel provoked if I believe someone else is intentionally wasting my time. That user, from my point of view, did not seem genuine in his interest in what I had to say.
Apparently someone else found your posts to be dissatisfactory.