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Please stop posting uncivilly like this. We've asked you several times before, and eventually we have to ban accounts that refuse to follow the guidelines.

We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13550160 and marked it off-topic.

>these people

Wow, at least you did them the generosity of using a noun that describes fellow humans, since you're talking about an entire culture like animals.

I've lived there, amongst the horror and corruption

Well, one thing does not preclude the other. Indians defecate in the street even in large cities.

EDIT: People, please google "open defecation in India" before downvoting.

defecating in open is disgusting to other people, but its natural and is not as bad to the environment as throwing a cigarette bud or plastic in open.

perhaps you've never vomitted from the smell of human excrement encountered on the way home from the train station

It's natural in the woods, not in a city.

agreed. except for dogs ;-) it's okay in city.

I don't think many would object if all dogs could learn to poop in toilets. So even in the case of dogs it would be preferable if they didn't do it outside.

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