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Disclosure of Additional Security Fix in WordPress 4.7.2 (make.wordpress.org)
35 points by tobltobs on Feb 2, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments

Because of the severity of the issue we decided to roll out WAF rules for all our customers (i.e. including those that don't get the WAF because they are on a free plan): https://blog.cloudflare.com/protecting-everyone-from-wordpre...

Currently, we are seeing people probing this vulnerability.

Does anyone know of a set of WAF rules - free or commercial - that I can use on my server, rather than outsourcing to Sucuri or CloudFlare?

I have used modsecurity before and found writing rules difficult, so happy to pay.

The title implies that WP did something wrong, but did they?

As Sucuri notes:

> We disclosed the vulnerability to the WordPress Security Team who handled it extremely well. They worked closely with us to coordinate the disclosure timeline and get as many hosts and security providers aware and patched before this became public.


The title implies that WP did something wrong, but did they?

In my opinion the implication of what they did means people who don't host with Wordpress or Wordpress's partners will have to wait longer for security patches. That gives Wordpress and their partners a very clear business advantage - "host with us or be vulnerable to attack until we get around to releasing our patch publicly".

That doesn't necessarily mean WP were in the wrong though. It's possible there simply wasn't a better approach - releasing a patch that doesn't fix the problem can be worse than waiting until you have a good fix, and you definitely can't disclose a problem until you have a strong fix.

Put simply, disclosing vulnerabilities is hard.

Put simply, disclosing vulnerabilities is hard.

This is so true!

To try to set the record straight, WordPress.org (the open source project) doesn't host and websites apart from our own (WordPress.org, WordCamp.org, BuddyPress.org, etc). So people can't host with us. Also, while we do have some recommended hosts that have helped the community as well as put a lot of effort into making their WordPress hosting really exceptional, they were not the only hosts we worked with on this (or even the majority).

Additionally, the work with hosts and WAFs happened in parallel with the work on the patch. WordPress users are our priority and they exist at pretty much every host. The best way to secure them all is to get a patch out. Anything we can do to mitigate the risk between finding out and when that patch is ready, is really just a bonus :)

Is that "wait longer" referring to the difference between "over the weekend" for WAFs and "Monday" for WordPress hosts? Because I didn't get the impression that the companies that got advance notification were chosen based on being partners.

They had to balance the question of getting as many installs as possible protected before doing the easy-to-analyze release, because probably within hours after the release there were going to be attacks starting to turn up. In the meantime, as long as they had feedback from the WAF vendors that the vulnerability wasn't being probed they had a pretty good idea that it wasn't widespread.

The only real question about it that I was curious about as well is which firewall plugin developers they communicated with.

The actions, at least as-described, sound entirely reasonable to me.

We are seeing attacks in the wild for it already. Mostly defacement attempts at the moment.

Marc, the researcher that found it, wrote the technical details here:



Dear HN hivemind, do you have any advice for me on how to keep my client's WordPress.org sites secure? A guide that you trust or maybe a good shared host that takes care of these things?

Google just gives me a bunch of content spam, but I know that there's gotta be some best practices I can employ.

1. You're using Wordpress, that's already good. It has autoupdates. You're unlikely to get hit by a vuln like this.

2. Don't disable autoupdates.

3. Avoid plugins and external themes. If you can stick to Wordpress Core. If you use plugins use as few as possible and only ones that are maintained regularly. Keep plugins and themes updated.

4. Don't disable autoupdates.

Also, have I mentioned you shouldn't disable autoupdates?

What if my clients like their absurd selections of plugins and themes?

What is a good thing is keeping on top of updates for WordPress Core, plugins and themes.

You could decide to not upgrade when a new major version comes out, like 4.8.0, but wait till there is a 4.8.1. Often there is a rush to pack new features in a new release, and the first update often has quite a few security fixes.

Also, be picky about which plugins and themes you use. And if you notice that one becomes unmaintained (no updates anymore), make a plan to switch to something else. /edit: Commercial themes are often overloaded with lots of functionality that you don't need. If you care about security, avoid them.

There are also plugins like WordFence, which might be a good idea (I don't really know). Most things that are in there should really be handled serverside, like mod_security rules and firewall rules. This topic is about WAF rules, which are serverside done afaik.

If you just use shared hosting and have no control over the server, using WordFence might be a good idea.

Wherever possible, outsource. wordpress.com if you can deal with their limited selection of themes and plugins, any number of third-party outsourcers whose bread and butter is WordPress if you need your own theming.

(I maintain three WP myself by hand, but that's me being a control addict.)

WP's core security is vastly better these days. So instead you'll fall prey to a cruddy plugin or theme ... especially the latter, being PHP written by designers. (Nothing against good designers, but design thinking is not security thinking.)

A really useful shortcut: put /wp-admin/ behind Apache basic auth. This stops most doorknob-rattling automated 'sploits in their tracks. (Main barrier to doing this in practice is that nontechnical editorial people tend to get confused by two layers of password.)

I operate a semi-well-known website that has been running Wordpress for over 11 years, and it's been hacked and attacked relentlessly since the early days. On multiple occasions the attackers have managed to get their "dashboards" onto the server to insert spam links and use my server in a botnet.

I keep my Wordpress and plugins up-to-date, but they still kept finding ways in. What finally worked for me was to write a simple front-loader to replace the Wordpress front-loader. It has a whitelist of allowed $_POST fields, a blacklist for $_POST content, and it deletes anything in $_FILES unless the user is on a whitelisted IP. This has kept the site safe for several years now so far.

Mine is an extreme case, but maybe this approach will be helpful to other extreme cases.

I would love to discuss your loader. I've added a few lines of if(){exit();} to index.php and if you have any ideas to share I would much appreciate the advice. My Gmail username is the same as my HN username. Thanks!

I would recommend using a wholly hosted solution, such as wpengine or wordpress.com. WP has a history of serious vulnerabilities and running a few instances yourself is not worth the operational costs.

Can you recommend any on a low budget? wpengine.com is a bit pricey and wordpress.com has too few plugins.

Use a WordPress firewall - something that catches things like requests containing SQL, PHP or references to WP's internal keywords.

Keep it updated, and don't use 3rd party plugins.

"The release went out over our autoupdate system and, over a couple of hours, millions of WordPress 4.7.x users were protected without knowing about the issue or taking any action at all"

Grr. Checked some sites, and the auto update hadn't yet upgraded to 4.7.2. Guess I get to go figure out why now.

This I don't understand. Why run WP where the server has ownership and write access to the code? With the frequency that WP sites get attacked, leaving a system in place where an attacker that gets access and can write files that will be executed is just asking for problems.

If you want an auto-update, why not do this with an automatic CI/CD type pipeline that's triggered on new WP versions?

> If you want an auto-update, why not do this with an automatic CI/CD type pipeline that's triggered on new WP versions?

One reason is because WP updates often need database upgrades too. I've been updating using `wp-cli` which can be run via cron -- but I've yet to sort what to do when WP/a plugin needs the 'Upgrade database tables' button clicked.

A CI/CD pipeline would be nice, especially with a verification stage that confirmed the website hadn't changed post-update (yesterday, updating a plugin lost data. Sore point)

>With the frequency that WP sites get attacked, leaving a system in place where an attacker that gets access and can write files that will be executed is just asking for problems.

I do see your point, but wordpress just isn't designed to work that way. And, if you did go through all the hoops to make wordpress okay without write access to files, it still has write access to the database.

I do have other mitigations in place, and feel like the risk profile is fine for what these sites do (informational only).

I'd be happier if the auto update was working as it should though.

But in this case, an auto-updating install would be protected, while a non-updated version would now have the website over-written...

My point is, a publicly facing web application should not have permissions to update it's own code. The possibility of the application being compromised and then having the application modified to support further system compromise it too great.

Well, that's how WP works so we're stuck with it. On the plus side, it makes for a great plugin experience for non-technical users.

Having done WP installs where the only web-user writable area was for uploads (and that is configured to not execute anything), I will have to dispute your assertion. The fact that the vast majority of WP sites are web-user writable is just inertia and/or bad security practices.

You can disable the file write features of WP and remove the online application upgrade feature. This leaves you using your code repo and build system as the proper path to upgrading the code. This allows you to vet any code change to your site, which you should be doing anyway.

Yes, you can do that, but you're fighting the way it is designed.

You mentioned the uploads directory, but there are very common plugins that need write access to other files. Almost every caching plugin for wordpress, as one example.

You also have to replicate the functionality to do upgrades for plugins, themes, and core WP, including ones that need database upgrades.

It's just a risk management decision. In my case, all the hoops to make the filesystem read-only aren't worth it. Retaining the built-in upgrade functionality is of higher value. We have offsite backups and file integrity scanning, and will fall back if needed. If the sites were, say, e-commerce sites, I would have made a different decision.

Upgrades can be a single "composer update" and then committing the composer.lock file. Mine are a bit more as I review changes between versions as well. I am very careful about what plugins I use for this very reason honestly. If it's not well-behaved enough and requires the ability to write outside of uploads then it's not used.

Mods, can you edit the headline please - editorialising

flagged for editorializing the title

No need to flag: just comment what the correct title should be, and perhaps contact the mods alerting them that it should be changed.

Mods, when you do retitle, please add a quick "title changed from (x) to (y)" comment (most usually do) so we know when such complaints become obsolete.

Hopefully in 2050 our corporate overlords will still spend a week discussing how to patch vulnerabilities in our 3D printed food databases too.

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