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The tool's great! Let's hope you have not collected all my data when I ran it.

I also checked out this link on your homepage: http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/109538/7-things...

It says leaving your full birth date is not recommended (identity theft). So I went to the info page and clicked "edit information" but instead of having edit boxes on the Info page facebook recommends me to convert are my movies, music, colleges itc. into a pages (so they can track it better.. or make it more unified?). It's very hard to navigate away from that page (for a normal user anyway) and when you select nothing and click save they threaten you there's going to be none of the information in those sections on your profile (wow! now I'm scared!). Seriously --- it's becoming worse and worse, how can they be so disrespectful to their users, how can they not fear losing them??

thanks! The scanner definitely does not collect your data, privacy policy pasted below for clarification


Our privacy policy is not long:

* we never see your Facebook data

* we never share your personal information

Simple. The scanner operates entirely within your own browser.

In the spirit of due diligence I started up a debugging proxy before I ran the scanner, so that I'd be able to tell if it collected any info.

Happily, it seems the only requests made are to fetch the javascript that does the scanning, and to various Facebook pages and associated content such as Facebook's CDN and "channels."

You can remove all of your boxes and delete the likes/interests facebook generates for you by clicking the delete button next to the avatar for the page.

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