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Once again, you are showing why it is so hard to talk about the actual problem. You've managed to distract from the issue by bringing up inflammatory statements about Donald Trump. You go on to accuse Salon.com to be a fake news site, which it is most definitely not, at least not in terms of the problem that lead to the issue of Fake News in the first place.

This, in a sense, is Donald Trump's fault. He is so good at controlling the conversation; his bombastic style demands a response; this is the same style you're using in your posts, and it has successfully redirected the discussion. It doesn't matter whether you're right; the topic has now changed.

I read general_ai's comments. I don't think your summary's fair and submit that your tone's a little aggressive.

This doesn't get things back on topic. Though, it took minimal effort to find instances of Salon running ridiculous reports. [0]

Here the real problem: these companies can't get their hands on content fast enough. WaPo produces 500 articles/day and 1200 items/day. AFAIK, because there's no real punishment for quasi-spurious claims, there's no incentive to spend marginal time vetting sources. Today, the story can be shared 100K times in the time a retraction takes place. But by then, the damage has been done, and again, the punishment isn't material. I don't think a retraction fully undoes the damage of spurious reporting.

[0] http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/01/23/salon_trut...

Slate.com is another example of a despicable fake news rag though. :-)

> Salon.com to be a fake news site, which it is most definitely not

Hence the problem. It is, it's not rocket science this is true.

But AI or not you seem like you won't change your mind. This is what the right thinks about Fox.

How are my statements in any way "inflammatory"? They're as factual as it gets. Is there anything in them that's even up for debate?

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