An example that trips me up frequently is creating a remote branch, then tracking it in a local branch. This is by far my most common workflow, but as far as I've learned so far, involves a couple of commands with some easy to forget options.
Granted, after a few times I just wrote it down, and now mostly remember, but it's not as simple as it potentially could be.
I was also a little shocked to find that I couldn't simply start tracking a remote branch after a local branch had already been created -- requires git 1.7. The workaround was simple (create a new tracking branch and merge the changes over), but to me this is an example of the UI being a little unhelpful.
Granted, after a few times I just wrote it down, and now mostly remember, but it's not as simple as it potentially could be.
I was also a little shocked to find that I couldn't simply start tracking a remote branch after a local branch had already been created -- requires git 1.7. The workaround was simple (create a new tracking branch and merge the changes over), but to me this is an example of the UI being a little unhelpful.