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I totally agree, the live stream [1] is amazing, discussing steps in the open like that and if there is some time left answer questions from the YouTube chat.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/c/Gitlab/live

Glad to hear this was appreciated. It was an experiment -one we only hope to repeat in other scenarios.

As a sysadmin, I'd find it incredibly distracting to be on a livestream while trying to fix a critical issue. For your employees sake I hope you don't do this again.

Have a single point of contact that provides information about the recovery process. Being transparent and providing technical info is good, but that task should not be handled directly by the admins at the same time they are focusing on the drop-everything-shit-is-broke emergency.

Is there an archive of the stream?

Part of the stream is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc0hPGerSd4

Not sure if we'll be able to get the full 8+ hours up.

...and keep it up (sorry, couldn't resist :P)

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