Note the partisan wording and contrast that with their past, fawning articles about the Pelosi-run House.
"GOP pushes..."
"Republicans jammed..."
"... a warning shot that they might deploy brute political muscle..."
"With a near-toxic vapor of divisiveness between the two parties across Capitol Hill, nasty showdowns broke out..."
"Busting through a Democratic boycott..."
"...dominated by confrontation, even as lawmakers braced for an even more ferocious battle..."
"...fueled the fire by urging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to 'go nuclear'..." (note that AP calls it the "nuclear option" when Republicans even consider it but used no such terminology when Reid actually implemented it in the last term)
"...Wednesday's abruptly called Finance Committee meeting..."
Today's SF Chronicle used a more severe headline for this article: "GOP Pastes 2 top Cabinet picks..." ("pastes" being American slang for a violent, successfully-landed punch, not adhering two items together)
I'm not looking for what to think, I'm looking for what happened, and Reuters tends to give me that, even if I miss out on some stories.