To the contrary. The signal-to-noise ratio here is not as good as I would like, but I can still find reasoned, thoughtful comments from people who don't think like me. It's still better than almost anywhere else.
This one is all about "interesting new phenomenon". Reuters didn't feel a need to talk up their journalism-under-duress skills and compare the Obama/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Reagan administration's hostility to Iran and Zimbabwe.
> Reuters didn't feel a need to talk up their journalism-under-duress skills
The anti-Trump crowd, including major news networks who specifically set their editorial line to bash Trump whenever they can, are throwing a hissy fit. That's all.
Reuter's statement says nothing more than "Hey, we do journalism that doesn't just echo press releases and we handle much harsher environments than this. We good."
The fact that the radical anti-Trump crowd in general and some elements of the US press are throwing this national tantrum, and has been doing so even before Trump even took office is a telltale sign of how this problem is unravelling.
And enough with the Trump posts on HackerNews. Post tech stuff, not political rants and ravings.
No, that's not all. If you don't see a difference between Trump and every president or political bloc that has achieved power before, you have not been paying attention. Like, at all. If you have been paying attention, then you should be expending your energy trying to share your insights as to why it's NOT different, rather than trying to pretend like everyone else is a strawman with the least rational reasons your imagination can come up with for believing what they believe.
Is a discussion of whether RustConf should be held in the US a political story?
Are the Snowden leaks political stories?
Is YC funding ACLU a political story?