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I think if you've got any sense then you'd leave your LinkedIn profile unchanged until the exclusion period in your contract runs out. The "non-compete" clauses in mine have always been around 2-6 months, they were never enforced. I binned LinkedIn so it's not a problem for previous employers to spy on me, and my social media content never mentions anything about work things.

For other social media then just keep your nose clean and stick to posting content and discussing stuff that doesn't mention work.

But that said unless you stole your previous employer's crown jewels (customer lists, source code, IP etc) then these clauses would get thrown out if you were taken to court. Imagine a Volkswagen car dealership trying to limit, contractually, the employment opportunities of their mechanics or sales people from moving down the road to the Ford dealership for better hours/pay/commission. They'd be laughed out of the court room I think.

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