Emacs comes configured with a command called "send-region-to-shell" that will take the current region and send it to a python interpreter. It makes for a great development experience that I haven't seen replicated with other tools and I'm not sure why there's not a bigger interest in it.
I built a small plugin to do that, it's called vim cell mode and provide "send selection to ipython" and "send block to ipython". I find the block mode very useful when developing data analysis scripts.
One of the features that elevates org-babel is being able to work on the same data in multiple tools. It's not uncommon for me to start with data in a table, transform it with a bit of python or lisp, and feed the result into gnuplot.
If you could point to one simple example of this it works be awesome! I've used org-babel but in a very fragmented way. My sessions were separated from each other and I did not use multiple languages on the same data
I did this with a tslime plugin from vim for several years. I used it extensively for javascript, sql, python, and clojure. After awhile, I stopped fighting and switched to spacemacs so I wouldn't have to both do my dayjob and maintain an IDE.