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The immigrant story behind Reddit and thousands more from Redditors (reddit.com)
2 points by kn0thing on Jan 31, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

"President Trump’s recent executive order is not only potentially unconstitutional, but deeply un-American. We are a nation of immigrants, after all. In the tech world,"

We are a nation of immigrants. Trump didn't institute a Muslim ban. He instituted a temporary ban from 7 specific countries for 90 days. This is only until we have a better vetting system.

Obama did something similar in 2009 when he temporarily banned Iraqi citizens for 6 months. I didn't hear a peep out of anyone. Why?

The only flaw I see in his executive order is the fact that he didn't give anyone enough time to implement it and it caused compete chaos. There also should have been some exemptions for travelers or green card holders.

I have many friends that are legal, US citizens and came to the US through legitimate means. Glorifying illegal immigration is a slap in the face to all the people that went through all of the proper channels to get citizenship.

"Right now, Lady Liberty’s lamp is dimming"

It's not. It's getting brighter. We finally have a president that cares about the citizens of this country. I feel like many immigrants that do come here don't really love the country that they are calling their new home.

If I wore a "Make America Great Again" hat in public, I would risk getting spit on and beat up. The real brown-shirt fascists are the anti-trump fanatics that won't actually have a civil debate and use violence towards people they don't like.

When there is a seemingly civil debate, fascists on social media will attempt to destroy the person's personal life and get them fired from their job or boycott their company and put them out of business.

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