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This is part because the smart kids are told they go to school to learn things. That's obviously not the case; school is a horrible environment for transmitting knowledge and skill.

I for one never figured out that school was there to learn to socialise until far too late. My parents obviously meant well, and I hold no grudge, but if I was told when I was 10 or 12 to focus on the subjects I liked rather than try to do well in everything, and spend the rest of the time making friends and having fun and paying attention to other people, I'd probably be just as well off in terms what I actually retained, and much better off in social skills.

Sometimes I suspect this probably applies to college/university as much as it does school. Yeah, the degree is nice to have, but making connections with people in a similar field/with similar interests seems like it's a heck of a lot more useful in retrospect. Especially if your interests are in starting a business or other venture and you need cofounders.

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