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FWIW, Service Workers allow content to be downloaded in the background and to be made offline.

Mainstream gaming will never catch on the Web. But Mozilla is working on WebVR to create an open and distributed platform for VR (https://mozvr.com). You'll be able to publish VR content in seconds and traverse from world to world. WebGL2 is exciting for that space.

Service Workers allow content to be downloaded in the background and to be made offline.

In practice, service workers seem to mostly be drive-by installs of forms of hostile code. Look at "about:serviceworkers" in Firefox to see what's running. Did you ask for any of those? I have, excluding sites where I have a login:

* https://www.youtube.com, https://plus.google.com I've never signed into Youtube, or Google, on this machine, but have watched YouTube videos.

* https://www.bajajfinserv.in - A financial service in India. I was checking out something from Wikipedia, and this drive-by installed.

* https://www.theguardian.com - I've read their site, but do not have a login.

* https://weather.com - checked weather, don't have a login.

* https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net - No idea what this is. Going there returns XML with "<Message>Access denied.</Message><Details>Anonymous users does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket itchio.</Details>".

* https://fee.org - "Foundation for Economic Education", a right-wing think tank. Does a drive-by install for any home page access.

And if you looked at your browser's cache, you'd find code from many more sites. So what?

It is "about:serviceworkers" for others trying this out and not getting it to work.

To disable service workers, set dom.serviceWorkers.enabled=false in about:config.

what is the downside? There doesn't seem to be any permissioning other than completely turning them off, and these could be used to implement another form of supercookie.

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