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I stand corrected; what abc_lisper said definitely involves tests. That's not necessarily TDD, though; see my post at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13465459 for the difference.

I agree that abc_lisper did not 'exactly' describe test driven development, which is why I said he 'essentially' described test driven development. I am a believer in test driven development, yet I often write a bit of application code before I write the tests; I acknowledge that probably makes me a pariah, but I still keep tests (and TDD) in mind.

Meh, I think TDD has value, but I don't think a methodology should become a religion. Write a bit of application before your tests, write most of the tests before the code, you're good to call it TDD in my book. (Of course, being non-religious about methodology may make me a pariah, and not just on TDD; but I can't work up the energy to care...)

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