But seriously. If there's demand it'll get there. I've been using py3.5 on freebsd, openbsd and Archlinux for months. If enough software is written using the new hotness like Async, there will be pressure and motivation to get it packaged into stable.
I hope.
For people on RHEL, the IUS repository[0] guys do a great job.
Python 3.5 will land in stable when Stretch becomes the new stable some time later this year, I'd be surprised if anyone went to work backporting with a new stable around the corner.
But seriously. If there's demand it'll get there. I've been using py3.5 on freebsd, openbsd and Archlinux for months. If enough software is written using the new hotness like Async, there will be pressure and motivation to get it packaged into stable.
I hope.
For people on RHEL, the IUS repository[0] guys do a great job.
[0] https://ius.io/