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You're right, I'm only doing black and white at the moment, but only because the color chems I ordered haven't arrived yet. From what I've read I don't think color developing is as difficult as you're making it seem, at least for C-41 color film. The temperature tolerances are tighter and the chemicals themselves are a bit more expensive (but still reasonable) and have a shorter shelf life, but it seems very doable. This is the kit I have coming sometime this week: http://www.freestylephoto.biz/20411-Arista-C-41-Liquid-Color...

As far as the hour time frame I gave, that was really just an estimate of diluting concentrates, loading the film reels (which is still the trickiest part for me so far), and then the actual developing. The steps of developing itself maybe take me about 25 minutes total.

Ane finally, yeah I do want to start printing at some point, but my bathroom currently is about 30 square feet, if that, so right now it doesn't seem very feasible.

Edit: I should also add that I live in very rural northern New York state. The nearest public use lab to me is a three-hour or so drive away, so that option's out.

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