My first thought on seeing this headline: "Oh, this is going to be about why Applescript totally sucks."
And, sure enough, there's Applescript halfway down the essay, as an example of a classic antipattern in DSL design: the "Oh, if I make it read like English it'll be really easy to write with it" antipattern.
When I look at Applescript I can't believe that there are people in the world who think that Lisp is hard to learn.
I liked RSpec when I tried it, but I have to admit that PragDave has a point: it is right on the hairy edge of being too cute with the English syntax. It took me some time to learn to write it properly.
And, sure enough, there's Applescript halfway down the essay, as an example of a classic antipattern in DSL design: the "Oh, if I make it read like English it'll be really easy to write with it" antipattern.
When I look at Applescript I can't believe that there are people in the world who think that Lisp is hard to learn.
I liked RSpec when I tried it, but I have to admit that PragDave has a point: it is right on the hairy edge of being too cute with the English syntax. It took me some time to learn to write it properly.