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So they found that the group which sat for 10 hours but did 30 mins of exercise had cells just as robust as the group which ... what, sat around for 2 hours?

Where are the details?

Don't be fooled. Other studies showed that exercise doesn't negate the damage done by sitting:



Get off your butt, especially if you work on a computer. Take breaks to alternate between mental and physical activity.

There are also studies that show that not to be true:


The study linked was about elderly women specifically.

It actually sounds pretty obvious when you state it like "the subjects that were more active were more healthy" -- we already know that should be the case generally.

What's a good movement cycle? Both time and activity?

My watch reminds me to move to try and get 250 steps an hour, so hourly I try to get up and get some steps. However that's not an increased heart rate and etc.

I use a Pomodoro Timer. Every 25 minutes I take a break. On the 4th break I have a grilled cheese with tomato sandwich.


I break up my day with 3x 30min walks where I run about 5min per 30min in spurts. No real science or thought process to the duration.

Also spend about 12 hours at a homemade standing desk[1]. It has really improved everything about my life since I started standing about a year ago.

[1]: https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/build-a-home-made-standing-de...

Moving will increase your heart rate... It might no be at v02 max but it will be higher than resting

Sure, i just meant it's not what i thought was a "meaningful" increase. Ie, i'd like to at least try and offset the damage i'm doing by sitting all day. So i'm wondering if some basic movement every hour will offset that? Or do i really need to get my heart pumping? etc.

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