The standup performs an important social function of making everyone involved in the work of the team. People have to face each other, feel accountable to, and feel supported by the group.
And of course there's no room for synching up: The morning standup is meant to facilitate those synch-up meetings, synch-ups that don't have to involve everyone.
>>> The standup performs an important social function of making everyone involved in the work of the team. People have to face each other, feel accountable to, and feel supported by the group.
This is a fantastic description. And it goes a long way towards explaining why standup (even if I'm not directly involved) leave me feeling so uncomfortable.
You are right, problem is in project manager head, which abuses standup for status updates because of lack of understanding of purpose of standup meeting, or because of lack of discipline (developers may provide infrequent updates in git/jira). It's hard to debug development process by email. However, if developers will do their standups properly, then their development process will fix itself. (Or project manager will fire the most active one. ;-) )
The standup performs an important social function of making everyone involved in the work of the team. People have to face each other, feel accountable to, and feel supported by the group.
And of course there's no room for synching up: The morning standup is meant to facilitate those synch-up meetings, synch-ups that don't have to involve everyone.