Nobody in China uses Google other than English speakers. Google is notoriously bad at breaking Chinese characters up into words.
Few people in Russia use Google for Russian language searches, this is because Google is not as good at declining Russian nouns and conjugating Russian verbs. Yandex gives more results of a higher quality for certain searches.
>Nobody in China uses Google other than English speakers. Google is notoriously bad at breaking Chinese characters up into words.
That has no bearing on whether Chinese businesses care. Obviously there are tons of Chinese businesses that sell outside China, including retail businesses, and their customers DO use Google.
Your article says that Google has overtaken Yandex in terms of the total usage for the traditional and mobile version of the Google website and its mobile apps (emphasis mine).
So a reasonable explanation is that Russians are increasingly using Google's apps: gmail, google calendar, the google now launcher; which probably has something to do with the fact that these apps come preinstalled on their phones. Not necessarily that they prefer Google for searching for Russian-language websites.
Why "in this country"? Isn't it a problem for the entrepreneurs in the rest of the world too?