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Why is the string "Linda Callahan" a naughty/Scunthorpe word?

After re-reading it I can see it contains "allah", but I can't see why that would be filtered.

See the Scunthorpe Wikipedia article:

"In February 2006, Linda Callahan, a resident of Ashfield, Massachusetts, was initially prevented from registering her name with Yahoo! as an e-mail address as it contained the substring allah. Yahoo! later reversed the ban."


Interesting my last name was blocked from making Genius Bar appointments [0]. My name is Jason Hung.

[0] https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1491462?start=10&tstart...

Open a PR?

I got that one ("allah", presumably), but was stuck on these three:


I got nothing for "mocha", though. Edit: apparently (from below) there was a Yahoo! mail filter that replaced "expresso" [sic] with "mocha"; but either the story was misreported or the mail filter was wildly misconfigured. So the entry should be "expresso" [sic], perhaps.

Nope, it was a schema that would cause a URL to be interpreted as code; an alias for `javascript:`


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