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Link? I haven't seen Nature claim or try to push any FUD that open-access publications do not have top papers.

They don't make the claim that "open access"==Wire Transfer Letters". Trouble is, Wire Transfer Letters not only exist, they are on the rise, and if the promotion committee at your unranked regional university accepts papers published there for Promotion & Tenure the problem has been shifted around.

Sorry, what's a Wire Transfer Letter in this context?

"Letters" in this context mean short communications, publications shorter than a full-length paper. Back in the day, Tetrahedron (then published by Pergamon Press, founded by the scintillating fraud and far-seeing visionary [1] Robert Maxwell, and now owned by Elsevier, and that isn't a step up) was the gutter journal that would print anything. But if something was too damn awful and thin even for Tetrahedron, then Tetrahedron Letters would surely print it.

Wire Transfer Letters because you must wire-transfer them the page charges for your paper that was generated by a Markov chain before they print it, and because the sketchy publisher sits far away in a country known for sketchy dealings. OMICS Publishers, we are looking at you!

Can someone enlighten the audience about what happened to Beall's List?! Another suit?

[1] Pergamon was founded in 1951

> Can someone enlighten the audience about what happened to Beall's List?! Another suit?

Trying to track this down. People are taking cache copies right now, ready to put up at a second's notice (or just do so anyway).

This was such a beautiful comment. Elsevirus is a step down from Weekly World News. The graphical abstracts would make Jack Chick proud.

Not snail mail.

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