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> And then if you deploy to your server and for some reason it has to update NPM, suddenly you have a potential of any and all of those thousands of packages to break, or interact poorly, or whatever. Since you have specified that anything between 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 is perfectly fine, you have absolutely no idea what secret sauce is necessary to get a working application again.

That's not how you're supposed to use npm. You should never perform an npm update directly in production exactly because of what you describe.

The proper way to manage dependencies update in npm is to perform the dependencies' updates in your build process when building your pre-production/staging build and then use the shrinkwrap[1] command of npm to generate a file with all dependencies pinned for production. This way, for a given production deployment, you know exactly what version of which dependencies was being used and you can rollback easily if an update break something.

[1] https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/shrinkwrap

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