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Instead of bashing Mill, the true question is what we open source developers can do to help them?

Implement algorithms? Improve FOSS tools?

@Mill team,

can you set up a list of FOSS projects that we can contribute in order to help? I specialize in implementing algorithms, especially optimization and other stuff.

See https://millcomputing.com/#JoinUs

NDA and sweat-equity agreement required; you get full-vested long-term options monthly; expected to be actual stock monthly after the next round.

To help in a FOSS context: we are not yet ready to put out an SDK to the FOSS community, or to anyone really. That will wait until after our cloud environment is up - and a few more patents have been filed (the ISE exposes things we want to protect).

In the meantime, the most help would be to support existing microkernel operating system efforts such as L4 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L4_microkernel_family). The Mill will have a big impact on conventional OSs like Linux, but those suffer from built-in assumptions that open security holes and makes the OS a dog that the Mill can only train a little. The big win is in microkernels, which can take advantage of the Mill's tight security and ultra-fast context switching.

Or support languages that have central micro-thread concepts, such as Go https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(programming_language), for the same reason.

But whatever you do, don't tune the microkernels or microthreads for a conventional core; instead, do it right, and we'll be along to help eventually :-)

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