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The bringup process includes all the stuff leading up to that final moment, just like most other processes - e.g. release process - include the stuff leading up to a conclusion. The quibble really wasn't very constructive.


"After a design is created, taped-out and manufactured, actual hardware, 'first silicon', is received which is taken into the lab where it goes through bringup. Bringup is the process of powering, testing and characterizing the design in the lab."

Well, sorry, but I worked with a whole lot of people who were designing, verifying, and building that processor, and they used "bringup" for the entire process. I was part of that process myself. Actual experience counts for more than argumentum ad wikipedia. Also, even if the word was wrong, that matters far less than the context in which it was used. Dictionary flames are the last refuge of someone with nought worthwhile to say.

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