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As a counter example, I've yet had this to be a problem on any laptop I've owned.

It works 100% reliably 100% of the time.

Same here, both on ThinkPad and on my Tuxedo laptop with Ubuntu, Debian and Arch.

I had issues with OS X sometimes that I put the MacBook into a bag and it would get hotter and hotter because it didn't sleep and the air couldn't move, untill it panicked and shut itself down to not start burning.

I started owning laptops in 2007. There's a real difference between ACPI DSDTs compiled with the Microsoft compiler versus the Intel compiler (surprise surprise)

Acer/Wistron laptop with MSFT DSDT would reset spontaneously instead of waking up from sleep.

I have no complaints about suspend itself, but I do find lidswitch detection to be faintly unreliable on various laptops. I often find my laptop fully powered up and hot in my backpack. I suspect poor debounce.

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