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Ordering is very different to what semantic versioning is. Semantic versioning proposes that those numbers have meaning and it's important.

Whereas again, what you and I are both saying is "who cares, I want the commit".

Commit + Branch means I can answer the question "is my problem fixed (or are things broken) in the newest version of the code" - which is the actual question semantic versioning proposes to answer but can't.

Adding a release number for human readability is fine (i.e. imply some quick ordering so you can go "oh, this isn't the newest version"). But even then: when putting together systems, that's not a question I ever really find myself asking - the one I'm asking is "are these things exactly the same, and what's the latest I can upgrade to without breaking it (or conversely: which was it working fine on).

Which is why I point out the need for an immutable web at the end there: if we accept version ranges are useless for doing reliable ops work (I believe they are - i.e. you will be testing everything anyway), then in order to know anything about what does and doesn't work, I need the source code and commit logs. I probably don't want to include all of those in every release and I do want to be able to get to new versions, thus the three things I need: upstream location, upstream branch, and commit hash. Everything else is irrelevant, or sugar.

EDIT: And we can derive simple ordering numbers anyway - just count commits on the release branch since the product started. Accomplishes the same thing.

EDIT 2: It's also worth considering though, that incrementing numbers introduce subtle bias - people always want the highest number, and assume it must be better. There's always an urge to upgrade to version 2, even if version 2 might be a complete rewrite and less developed then 1 with an uncertain future. How different it might be if we only talked about branch names and commits - we're on the "beach" branch, but the company has a got a new one for the product called "forest". How different might discussions about "upgrading" be, and consideration of security fix deployment and status.

> Whereas again, what you and I are both saying is "who cares, I want the commit".

I (not the grandparent poster) usually don't just want the commit. I want to be able to look at two versions and have a good idea if they're source and/or binary compatible.

If I do need to deal with the source of the app, hopefully they're doing me a solid and tagging commits with the version number.

> Commit + Branch means I can answer the question "is my problem fixed (or are things broken) in the newest version of the code"

Sure, if you want to sift through a VCS log, which I don't want to do. I want a changelog file that tells me what's in the version I'm running, and all versions previous. That answers that question too, and maintaining a changelog (even if you just dump the output of git's shortlog into it every release) is just a responsible part of release engineering.

> ...which is the actual question semantic versioning proposes to answer but can't.

No it doesn't. Semver exists to help answer the API/ABI compatibility question. It has nothing to do with whether or not your bug is fixed or not.

>> ...which is the actual question semantic versioning proposes to answer but can't.

> No it doesn't. Semver exists to help answer the API/ABI compatibility question. It has nothing to do with whether or not your bug is fixed or not.

But it has everything to do with whether other things are broken (i.e. incompatible) which is what determines whether I can upgrade or need to triage. So yes, the question is "whether my bug is fixed and I can use the fix".

The problem is compatibility is a useless theory when you actually need to deploy to production - it either works or doesn't, and if going from version 1.0.0 to version 2.0.0 requires the same amount of testing as going from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 then I don't know what's been accomplished. Same story with changelogs.

Going from version 1.0 to version 2.0 of a dependency might require rewriting your code, which, unlike testing, we still haven't automated.

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