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That's a fair counterpoint to the article but your example above only demonstrates the library case. You should provide an example that demonstrates the value of semver in a CD, always-on top-level application to give information about schema, cache and configuration incompatibilities.

To use the web-service example: if you present an API for others to call, even if you never version yourself, you probably still version your API. Other posts on that blog mention doing so.[1]

Well, if you release a ton of versions of your API, some of them are going to be easier to transition between than others. As soon as that occurs, you conceptually have at least major and minor versions, but in a url-based API instead of in code. Or you choose to not hint your consumers if moving from v23 to v24 is likely to be simple or not.

[1]: https://surfingthe.cloud/ideal-api-versioning/ is mentioned in the article, for example.

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