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I think this talk makes his opinion on how breaking changes in libraries should be handled (in the context of the JVM ecosystem) very clear:

A) avoid breaking API changes

B) if you have to do large breaking API changes, that will probably affect alot of dependent projects, make it a new artifact / namespace / library that can live side-by-side with the old version

B is actually pretty common in large java library projects (rxjava -> rxjava 2, retrofit -> retrofit 2, dagger -> dagger ‡ all have independent maven artifacts and I think also packages) and imho this approach makes a lot of sense. It's also the more important part of this talk compared to his critique of semver.

Isn't semver the best way to do what he's advocating, then?

I mean, it's not like people delete 1.3.0 from their packaging system when they release 2.0.0. Incrementing the major version number is semver's way of declaring a new namespace, and once declared, it lives alongside the old ones.

What is Hickey suggesting be done differently?

It is about treating new versions with major API breakage as if they were completely new libraries, not as a "maybe, possibly drop-in replacement, iff we use just the right feature subset". E.g. RxJava changed their maven artifact ('io.reactivex:rxjava:1.y.z' -> 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.y.z') and the package name where in which their code lives ('rx' -> 'io.reactivex'). This makes it possible for both versions to be used at the same time while transitioning, without breaking dependencies that rely on the older version and without having to bother with automatic multi-versioning in buildtools.

With that in place it is questionable what the actual advantage of semver vs a simpler monotonous versioning schema (like build number or UTC date) is.

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