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Semver is a sweet spot for libraries (tools, utilities, APIs, etc.). When a library I use isn't on board with Semver, I am often skeptical, and almost always disappointed.

For programming languages it is less clear to me that there are benefits. The same goes for living production end-services, which are the topic of the article. Said production system might (should?) be separate in version churn from any API built on top of said system, or client libraries used to interoperate with said API.

It is likely that I agree with Mr. Gillespie on the topic with respect to "always on" systems, but I do not feel strongly about that agreement? I tend to look for and focus on Semantic Versioning in its sweet spot, that is, libraries.

Having said where I agree, there was one quote of the article that stood out to me:

>it feels a little bit overly pedantic

In my experience, that's the best part, perhaps even the entire point, at least with libraries. Semver is just a method of communication, but its standardization and lack of ambiguity (relative to other systems), means that communication is all the more clear. I need a new feature and so am bumping a library to a new minor version? I'll be sure to check for other new things and for any deprecations, but won't need to worry that existing behavior was removed. Very clear.

When I am engineering a system on top of various libraries/tools, then growing and changing said system over time, I want to be able to pedantically assert what is known (as well as what is not known!) about the system's dependencies. Semver is a good tool for this job.

The clarity also makes it possible to build linters that check whether you accidentally broke your server guarantees (at least for detectable API changes). That's awesome.

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