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Odd Behavior And Creativity May Go Hand-in-hand (sciencedaily.com)
15 points by amichail on March 11, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

"Brugger hypothesized that schizotypes should make novel associations faster because they are better at accessing both hemispheres – a prediction that was verified in a subsequent study. His theory can also explain research which shows that a disproportional number of schizotypes and schizophrenics are neither right nor left hand dominant, but instead use both hands for a variety of tasks, suggesting that they recruit both sides of their brains for a variety of tasks more so than the average person."

At last, I know why I take pen and fork in the left hand but throw and do a variety of other tasks with the right hand! I'm also pretty positive I'm a "schizotype" as they say.

In other news, exceptions are rare.

So what constitutes odd behavior?

If you have to ask, you might be creative. Congratulations!

It's curious how you thought his question was odd, while I found it creative / insightful, and in the terms of the article, it doesn't matter whether it was one or the other.

So I guess I'm creative. Neato.

We have discovered we are creative too.

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