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If your posts stay at 1 upvote then you've probably been blocked by the spam filter. If that is the case you just need to PM a moderator to take a look at the post and then will unblock it. It won't help for that posts, but the spam filter should learn from it and not block your future posts.

This isn't just a sample size of KirinDave, this is a common theme for many people I know. If we are all caught by a spam filter, then Reddit is doing something very wrong.

Reddit's spam filter is completely and totally broken (or at least was about a month ago). The moderators effectively get to pick and choose what stories even hit the queue. I had a user there (same handle as here) that had something like 3000 link karma and something in the tens of thousands of comment karma.

Every story I posted would get flagged as "spam", meaning I had to message a moderator. Typically, the responses I would get would be things like "sorry, I don't really like the article. Post it somewhere else.".

Granted, these were typically opinion articles that I had written, so I could understand where they were coming from to a small degree. The problem with this was that the ones that did get accepted usually made the front page.

Don't get me wrong, I still use reddit to a degree, but it isn't really a technology site anymore. People will say things like "subscribe to better subreddits!", and I do, but none of them really see much traffic. A lot of times, I'll load the page and it will say "there is nothing here". The pics section has some funny things (although the majority of them seem to be tagged with 4gifs.com, which I assume means they all came from 4chan), and so does the "ask" section. There is still some entertainment value to the site, but it isn't really a list of democratically chosen articles anymore.

You could have summed this up by saying, "Reddit is fundamentally broken, at a technology level. Move along." ;)

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