I agree that it makes it "more readable", but that only would matter if intellisense wasn't working. I see the parameters, and they are strongly typed. In JS, this isn't the case, so it is much more helpful (e.g, I can completley screw up types/params and they will probably materialize as some strange behavior. As far as bools, I generally try to avoid having more one or two bools as an argument, unless it's required, and it rarely is.
Do you have intellisense in your eyes? A line of code with a handful of named parameters reveals its intentions (and possibly also its correctness) for more readily than a line of code with a laundry list of parameters that you need to mouseover then do a bit of mental juggling to line up which value lines up with which parameter. In doing so you've likely interrupted and degraded your reading of the code and you've definitely degraded your ability to readily spot the difference between correct and incorrect code.
Obviously, all IMO.