This was initially attempted by G-Cluster in 2000, Crytek tried it as well, popularized by OnLive (who started working on it in 2003) and blew up in 2010.
The answer is no. People are bringing up OnLive and Nvidia but they are just running the same game you run locally on remote hardware.
What you are asking is basically has anyone run a game on a supercomputer/cluster so that the graphics are way better than what could be done locally. The answer is no, nobody has. That would be pretty neat though. It would be super expensive to make with no way to recoup the cost.
It certainly could happen - - how much will someone pay per hour to play one game? It feels like a timewarp to pre-AOL when online games cost more per hour than minimum wage.
Here is an example that is not what you are looking for but is somewhat related. It's a game that is played by rendering high quality screenshots of the game world on a server. I enjoyed it a lot.
Not a field I work in but I guess it would never work. You'll have the network latency to contend with. Or people would need to self host a server farm, which probably makes your market pretty small :-)
Ie a game which was hosted on a remote desktop that had direct access to a GPU server farm on a very fast network.