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No, actually I live in a block of flats/apartments. Up until a year ago I used to live in a block consisting only of studio apartments, so I had lots of neighbors, since then I've moved to a "fancier" area and to a one-bedroom apartment and I only have two other neighbors on my floor. I don't think I've ever seen a non-encrypted wifi connection among my neighbors for at least 3-4 years now.

It's really nice that you share, and encourage an open community, people like you have certainly helped me out in the past.

Open wireless routers were far more common 10-15 years ago, when ISPs first started pushing them. Most people hadn't warmed up to the technology yet, and security was barely on the radar; similar to what we're currently seeing with IoT.

Maybe you have no enemies and trust your neighbors, that's awesome. But, anecdotes aside, someone could cause some very ugly problems with your open wifi, without much skill or effort -maybe just for the lulz.

I feel like cheering you on for giving people free internet, but at the same time, I want to pull you aside and say "hey crazy person, please put a password on your WAP." Because, it's a bummer when bad things happen to good people.

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