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A while ago, I was watching an N900 user trying out an iPad. It was interesting to see that he had substantial difficulty figuring out how to move back in nested screen hierarchies. He was actually trying to press on the black border around the screen to go back, because on the N900 all dialogs are designed so that clicking anywhere in the area "behind" the dialog takes you back.

IMHO, that "buttonless back button" is perhaps the best thing about the N900's UI design.

Can you illustrate what you're talking about? I'll see if I can youtube someone playing with an N900..

It sounds like you simply tap anywhere but the dialog and it's "canceled"?

It sounds like you simply tap anywhere but the dialog and it's "canceled"?

Yes. When a modal dialog is active, Maemo also blurs and darkens the background so it's obvious that it's inactive.

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