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Out of curiosity, what methods of initialisation are you confused with?

We have default constructors, copy construction, move construction, braced initialisation and std::initializer_list.

For my part I am working at work on a C++2003 codebase and although I can initialise my C-style array with braced initialisers, I would love to be able to initialise my vector in the same way, but I cannot as it is C++2003. eg.

int myArray[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3}; vector<int> myVector = {0, 1, 2, 3}; // This is impossible in C++03

It may be that the OO implementations you have seen are bad because they don't understand encapsulation or haven't designed their classes from the outside in (i.e., design them interfaces first so that they are expressed from the simple point of view from the vocabulary of the user, not from you who designed the class).

I have worked with horrible C++ that had a hierarchy of inheritance yet failed to understand the point of virtual functions so would cast to child elements from a base class to decide which function to call on the child object, or would have functions in the base class that would dynamic_cast to every possible type of possible child to work out what to do. This was truly horrible. (The correct solution is to use a virtual or pure virtual function on the base and implement this in the children so that the right function gets called). This was within an apparently "object-oriented" system, so if this is your sort of experience I can understand why you would detest it.

The other horrible thing is writing C++ like it is C - pointers everywhere, no understanding or use of RAII, C-style casts everywhere (do you really know better than the compiler what a type is???), writing a million functions to do the same thing instead of a single template function etc. etc. And no const correctness, no use of STL algorithms, putting everything in a C array instead of using the correct STL container for the job, etc. etc. the list is endless

I think people are starting to get annoyed at how how these are all equivalent, and the switch in a lot of books seems to be towards the third version with braces.

    int x = 0; // makes sense
    int x(0); // sure
    int x{0}; // braces?

> these are all equivalent

I'm almost positive that isn't the case. Need to find my copy of Effective Modern C++ and get back to you. It's been a while

except they are not all equal. hence why there's 3 ways to do it.

(Optimizations can change things, but per the spec, they are not the same)

the first creates a new variable with a default value and then copies 0 into it. (This is trivial with an int, but not so with a more complex type)

the second case creates x using the copy constructor

the third uses an initializer list, and works similarly to #2

> the first creates a new variable with a default value and then copies 0 into it.

No, no default constructor is invoked. In this specific example, until C++17, a temporary int object is created then x is copy constructed from it [1]. The compiler is explicitly allowed to omit the temporary+copy and directly construct from the parameter as per int x(0), but the constructor must be non-explicit.

From c++-17 on this is actually required and additionally a copy constructor is not required to exist. In practice is equivalent to #2 except for the non-explicit requirement.

Pedantic, I know, but as long as we are trying to clarify the rules is better to be clear.

[1] note: is different from default initialize then assign.

As a C++ programmer I'm more annoyed that they're not equivalent.

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