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Freedom of speech protects you from government persecution. Nothing to do with whether you thought through what you were going to say or not.

I'm more arguing that Amazon, Google and any other companies that produce/use voice activated systems shouldn't limit my ability to say what I want to - whether it's broadcast or not. I'm not arguing against the idea that there are things I shouldn't say or that might actually be illegal despite my free speech rights (the proverbial yelling "fire" in a crowded theater is a perfect example).

One side note is that I hope this doesn't become the "include no matter what" feature we've seen with IoT, etc. Imagine voice activation in an airliner cockpit - a terrorist walks to the forward lavatory and yells "dive and disable all controls". (yes ... it's very implausible but I predict there's at least one case where someone doesn't think through all the ramifications of their voice interface).

If Amazon etc have zero security that's their problem not mine.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_recognition is hardly a new thing. Further, if Amazon get's 200,000 orders for a doll house in the same second should be able to detect that as a mistake.

I am not saying you can or cannot do what the TV anchor did. But you confused freedom of speech with this issue.

I had a coworker in college who executed a fork bomb on a production server. His excuse was that protecting from fork bombs is not his job and should have already been done by the admins. He was obviously fired on the spot. Just because you can, doesn't always imply that you should.

Having freedom of speech, or any other freedom does not mean freedom from consequences.

For example you have the freedom of speech to call your boss an asshole, your boss has the freedom of association to end your association with his/her business aka fire your ass.

Your boss can not violate your freedom of speech by preventing you from speaking in the manner you choose, but you can not violate your bosses freedom of association by forcing him/her to providing you with a job...

In the case of the fork bomb, that is neither a Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Association issue,

Employees in most business are required to treat company property with respect and care for BUSINESS PURPOSES ONLY, launching a fork bomb has no business value and is thus using company resources in a non-business purpose which is prohibited. Just like running a bit coin miner would be a firing offense.

You can put a passcode on it. I've got mine set so that I have to also say my passcode in order for it to register, easy peasy

>>Freedom of speech protects you from government persecution.

Sorry no, in the US the 1st amendment protects you from government persecution, in other nations other laws protect your freedom of speech from government persecution

However this idea that "freedom of speech" is only about government is dangerous to the idea of freedom of speech. While protecting against government censorship is very important, protecting against other forms of censorship are also important.

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