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I don't understand why people are blaming the news report for this instead of Alexa.

Yeah, noticed that too. I think humans are playing life like I used to play chess or even Civilization: like an FPS (first person shooter) game. Don't think more than a single step ahead, just shoot at the first thing that you see!

They blame (and punish) the kid that "explodes" and not the bullies taunting him/her for months. They blame the whistleblower. They blame the reporter and the symptom. They blame the reaction and not the cause. They overwhelmingly target the immediate thing/person that causes a disruption, and what is most surprising to me - even if the actual cause is apparent and not hard to find!!

That's been my takeaway as well. If I could talk to the next bullying victim considering murder before the act I would point exactly this out. Society will then label you the problem when your bullies were the actual problem.

This only works because Alexa has issues, yeah.

But, the news story was about Alexa having issues. Which both makes it hilarious and ironic, and means that the news anchor should have had reason to have possible issues in mind at the time.

This is why I feel that people should be able to set their own word for Alexa to listen for.

They can at least set a PIN for voice purchasing. Which IMO should be the default behavior..

Agreed. I never really thought about it, but currently, is there any security at all? For example, is there anything to stop a 6 year old from ordering a ton of stuff?

The PIN.

Ugh, I misread the comment I was replying to. Thank you.

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