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Scar-free wound healing could be on its way (newatlas.com)
53 points by awqrre on Jan 7, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Rats, I was hoping this was a more general "fix" so that there would not be scarring on internal organs after surgery or other trauma.

No word on flexibility if the resulting tissue. Scars tend to be quite keratinicious and stiff. Still, an esthetic improvement is better than nothing, especially in facial injuries like the example picture.

Iodine does wonders for healing scars, both during and after formation.

Interesting, same mechanism


>Topical iodine induces hair growth in and around scars. Hair is regeneration's workhorse, moving purposefully in all directions

OK, now I'm giving more thought to putting Iodine on my scalp to see if I regrow some of that thinning hair...

Original publicity materials: https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2017/january...

Paper: https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aai8792

This is somewhat different from earlier lines of research into scarless healing in mammals, such as the work based on the biochemistry of MRL mice ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3806350/ ).

Interesting thing I've heard in Regeneritive Medicine podcast - burn victim skin stem cells are just too good at their job and render too much skin. Hence someone found process how to slow it and result in better looking skin.

Interesting point that they can already induce hair follicles to form. That would be newsworthy on its own, wouldn't it? (assuming it would work on male pattern baldness)

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