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There are two problems with this though: a) either jail-breaking or torrenting the book (if it is even available as a torrent) isn't something that the average reader would be able to figure out how to do (in my opinion) and b) it would open one up to the possibility of being charged with piracy, and the penalties for that are getting scarier all the time. I'm not convinced that the likelihood of being charged is minuscule either. Neither of these seem to be reasonable options for most people.

And in any case, I have now received a refund, so I wouldn't feel comfortable jail-breaking a copy. I may buy the Kindle version when I get an iPad though. I have a bit more confidence in the durability of that format. Not enough to start acquiring many books in it, but since this particular book is unavailable in any other way, and it is really important to me, I'll probably relax my principles for it.

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