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hentrap - msg or email me. I've been itching to create a new project that also solves a huge/real pain. I'd really like to hear your workflow steps in detail. Here's a temp email I setup if you want to reach out: hn@robodale.33mail.com (removed public mailinator email per mbrookes advice)

You guys realise that mailinator is public? Dale, I can see your email address.

I highly recommend 33mail.com instead - it has a pretty generous free tier: http://33mail.com/rj37w3.

(Not associated, just a long-time user and happy paying customer.)

haha, oh crap mbrookes. Looks like I fell on my face with this. Thanks for the 33mail tip. Hey, hentrap - email me here:


Incidentally, since I don't see it mentioned anywhere obvious on the site, you can also use @yourdom.33m.co as short address.

I should also add that my wife is a clinical pharmacist who regularly creates infectious disease drug protocols for multiple 'big pharma' companies. Pretty sure she can help me round out any domain knowledge gaps I might have.

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