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You think you can do a better job as the CEO than the CEO you have now? Or you know someone that you think can do a better job?

No, he thinks he could write a script to fire his CEO, so they don't have to do it every day.

At my work we just have a Jenkins job that fires the current CEO first thing in the morning

Dude, simple cron job is enough.. 30 8 * * * /fire/ceo/now

I'd make it event-driven. /usr/sbin/hire --ceo starts a setTimeout(function() {`/usr/sbin/fire --ceo`}, 'INTERVAL 60 DAY') (And that is a weird bit of pseudocode, indeed.)

Ridiculous. This is obviously a job for systemd.

That's what the last CEO said before we fired him.

How about a script that does sentiment analysis on the twitter stream for the company and then automatically fires the CEO?

If it works we could apply it to the US presidency ;).

Glassdoor has a rating on the CEO. Could use that.

The scary part is that a DAO could actually do this.

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