That first article made me CRINGE. I hope to God it isn't real. I'm latino and I would be pissed if I saw an article on the frontpage called Let's Stop Coddling Latino Feelings.
I'd admit that Medium has occasionally weird stuff on its frontpage -- but doesn't every website where content is written by its community have that? Just create an account and browse for a few days to get stories tailored to you. Honestly, I'm fine with Medium as it is because it exposes me to stories I wouldn't have else read.
It has weird stuff because Medium clearly hired "editors" who are all politically extreme and/or culturally homogenous.
My home page has some technical articles that interest me, an article by some Obama press flunky, and then "We should be meaner to racists", apparently because the editors recommended it.
Did I ask for a mediocre but otherwise acceptable list of technical articles to be gunked up by college student identity politics? No? Then why do the remaining 100 staffers think this is a good idea? Is that what they're getting paid to do? Why can they not be replaced entirely by an algorithm?
You’re missing the point. Latinos are a minority. White people aren’t. The article is great; and the fact that you’re pissed about it shows we still have progress to do on these issues.
The article is well written, but there's some odd stuff in there, like
"Be that police officers or the descendents of those who hung us from trees with smiles on their faces, I want to limit any interaction with people who seek to harm me or my loved ones."
That's not out of context either. There seems to be some implicit definition that all white people == people who seek to harm me.
That distinction might be interesting if you're defining systemic racism but otherwise racism is having preconceived notions about a group, or attributing qualities and flaws to a group, based on race. That's exactly what the author of that post is doing, lumping all whites people in a single group, ignoring their multitude of opinions and experiences.
No. The author of that post is denouncing systematic racism and as such the domination of white people over minorities. That’s why they must talk about white people as a whole.
When we talk about racism and "white people" domination we usually refer to the occidental world; it doesn’t make sense in the whole World because there are too many different situation, whereas in Occident it’s pretty clear which populations are oppressed and which one isn’t. This is especially relevant on HN because readers here are mostly young white men.
He just posted a list of facts. That's only destructive if you think the facts are embarrassing to medium (which in this case I think they are - it's simply not clear what kind of community was supposed to gel around medium, if any, and it shows).
1. let’s stop coddling white feelings
2. Women in Salt
3. I Have a Maiden Name - An exploration of surnames, beliefs and actions.
4. Warm Takes on Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4
5. The UBI already exists for the 1%
6. Atheism and Honesty - My atheism will not be about making believers comfortable.